Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Amazing Pictures Of Deep Sea Creatures

Here are some Amazing Pictures of Creatures of the Deep Sea.

clipped from www.dailymail.co.uk
These wonderful pictures of some of the most beautiful creatures of the deep are the work of just one photographer, taken over the past 30 years. Richard Merritt has won a host of awards for what could be described as holiday snaps.

His full-time job is as a computing lecturer at the University of Plymouth, but he is also one of the world's most talented amateur underwater wildlife photographers.

Broody: A gold specs jawfish with its eggs

Technicolour battle: A harlequin shrimp and a starfish (left) and a harlequin filefish

dwarf lionfish

Mane attraction: The dwarf lionfish hides on reefs to ambush prey

Sucker punch: The venom of the blue-ringed octopus can kill a man

Purple patch: Mating sea slugs lay an egg spiral

What a sight! A close-up reveals the sophisticated eye of a cuttlefish

A real slugger: This Indonesian sea slug has exposed gills and sensory 'horns', acquiring vivid colours from reef life it devours

Pink anemone fish are protected from their host's stings by a layer of mucus
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